Dream Again
Philippians 3: 13-14 ...but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.
Do you feel like you just can't win with the hand you've been dealt? Maybe you lost your husband or your wife, your children, your home, your job, you may even feel like you're about to lose your mind. Sometimes things seem to come crashing down all around us and you get to the point of thinking, 'this is it, this is all there is to this thing called life." But God came so that we can have an abundant life, not a just-getting-by life. Yes, you've made some mistakes, but we must forget what's behind and look forward.
It's time to dream again and it's time to dream big! Dream big for Jesus!

God loves us and He wants us to be free from doubt, grief, and shame so that we can dream again. God has a predestined future for all of us, but we will never walk in it if we allow life situations shut us down. God wants you to dream again, not only to dream your dream, but to dream a God-sized and God-inspired dream. A dream that is infinitely beyond all our highest prayers or thoughts.
So how can we dream again? We must remove all doubt, fear, and distractions. We must believe that God has a bigger and better plan than we could possibly come up with on our own. And we must surrender our whole selves to God, to be used for His glory and purpose. Jesus said, "I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE." There is nothing too hard for the Lord. There is no dead dream He can't resurrect. Don't believe the devil's lies that it's over. Even if you have tried before and were unsuccessful, dream again. Don’t settle for the mundane. You have what it takes to accomplish your dreams! God has put inside of you everything you need to accomplish everything He has called you to do!
Allow the Spirit of God to resurrect your dream. Take the limits off of God and off of yourself.
Don’t let the haters stop you. Don't let criticism stop you. Don't put that dream on the shelf because of past failures. Get your dream back. Get your fight back!
You were created for such a time as this. You were created for greatness! You were created to do great exploits. The world is waiting for what you have on the inside of you. Your God inspired dreams will change your world. Move out the way and allow God to resurrect and fulfill your dreams! The time is NOW! Are you ready?